Monday 13 October 2008

Value for money?

Many years ago, a very wise person said to me that in order to appreciate the true value of anything, you needed to compare it to something very tangible: a cheese sandwich, for example.

So when I recently bought a spare computer mouse to use when I'm presented with a laptop (I'm totally inept with a track-pad) I was intrigued to discover that it was cheaper than a cheese sandwich. Of course, other mice are available, and I'm sure that the same applies to cheese sandwiches too, but I didn't choose the cheapest mouse and the most expensive cheese sandwich I could find - merely representative ones from my bulk CD-R supplier and my local supermarket.

I'm not sure if the mouse or the cheese sandwich represents the best value for money...

This Japanese snack is good value for money - you get two rice crackers, one of which has a hole in it, plus the filling, all wrapped up in an individual wrapper. The real thing isn't quite so over-exposed of course, but it does serve to emphasize that this might be a trap for the unwary.

Actually this is a savoury snack, and despite the bright green wrapping for the complete pack containing about twenty of these, plus the writing which starts with the reassuring word 'chizu' (cheese or map in Japanese), the predominant flavour is actually mustard. Actually, they are delicious, and make a refreshing change from cheese sandwiches!

But I have no idea what the exchange rate of these for mice is!

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